
Everything You Need to Know About Long Island Ticks

Ticks are common in Long Island backyards and wooded areas. There are three kinds of ticks most commonly found on humans on Long Island. Be aware of tick bites as they can transmit dangerous tick-borne diseases such as Lyme disease or other tick-borne pathogens. Regular tick surveillance in local areas helps monitor the spread of these diseases.

Long Island ticks’ natural habitats are high-grass and wooded areas. It’s highly recommended to do a tick check regularly on yourself and your children. If you happen to find a tick, it’s best to practice proper tick removal using fine tweezers and place the infected tick in a small empty pill container with rubbing alcohol when spotted on your body. Doing this will help with identification and tick pathogen surveillance.

What Kind of Ticks Are on Long Island, NY?

There are three main species of ticks on Long IslandAmerican dog tickdeer tick, and lone star tick. Different ticks may vary in size and behavior, but all should be handled with caution.

American Dog Ticks on Long Island

The American dog tick, also known as the wood tick, is colorful with a reddish-brown back and greyish markings. These ticks typically live in high-grass areas and can be hazardous to humans and dogs alike by transmitting diseases like Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever. Brown dog ticks are a similar species, often found on dogs.

After walking through tick-prone areas, check for dog ticks on both yourself and your pets. The tick density in grassy areas can be higher during warmer months, increasing the likelihood of a tick bite.

Deer Ticks in Long Island

The deer tick, also known as the black-legged tick or bear ticks, is much smaller than the American dog tick. It is frequently found in wooded areas, especially where deer populations are common. Deer ticks are known to transmit Lyme disease, and symptoms often include a circular rash at the bite area.

Tick management in these high-risk areas is crucial, as infected ticks can also spread other diseases like babesiosis and anaplasmosis. If you notice a high number of deer ticks in your area, consult professional tick control to prevent further exposure.

Lone Star Ticks

Lone star ticks have a distinctive white star or dot on the back of the female tick. These are known as an aggressive tick species and are commonly found in forested areas. Though lone star ticks do not transmit Lyme disease, they can cause conditions such as Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever and even meat allergies.

Both male ticks and female ticks can be found in dense, wooded areas where tick management suggestions may help reduce exposure. Proper precautions should be taken in areas where tick density is high.

When Is Tick Season on Long Island?

Tick season starts in the spring and peaks in May and June but can continue into the summer. Ticks are found in many locations year round, but their activity increases as the temperature rises. In areas with higher county tick populations, particularly around the East Endtick prevention becomes critical.

Suffolk County Department of Health Tips on Avoiding Ticks and Diseases

  • Wear light-colored clothing to easily spot ticks.
  • Wear long pants and sleeves to help prevent tick attachment.
  • Tuck your pants into your socks and shirt into your pants.
  • Use repellents as directed.
  • Walk along the center of trails to avoid brushing against grass.
  • Conduct frequent clothing checks.
  • Dry clothing on the highest temperature setting for 10 minutes to kill any ticks.
  • Carefully inspect your skin and body for ticks after spending time outdoors.
  • Check pets for ticks before they enter the house.

Following these precautions will help you avoid tick exposure and reduce the chances of tick bites while enjoying the outdoors.

How Can You Prevent Ticks?

Ticks often live in high-grass areas. Homeowners are advised to cut their grass regularly to manage tick populations and reduce the likelihood of encountering ticks like the American dog tick in their own backyard. Additional tick management strategies include using tick repellents and maintaining a tidy yard free of debris and tall grass.

People living near wooded areas, trails, campgrounds, or parks have higher risks of tick infestations. In tick-infested areas, simply cutting the grass may not be enough. We recommend working with professional tick exterminators for more thorough control. Proper tick-removal tools should always be used if a tick is found attached to the skin.

Tick Spraying for Long-Term Protection

One of the most effective ways to reduce tick populations on your property is through professional tick spraying. This method involves applying specialized treatments to high-risk areas, such as tall grass, wooded sections, and the perimeter of your yard. Regular tick spraying helps create a barrier that kills ticks and prevents new ticks from entering your property.

For maximum protection, it is recommended to schedule tick spraying treatments throughout the warmer months, as this is when ticks are most active. Pairing tick control with mosquito spraying can provide comprehensive protection from both pests, as both ticks and mosquitoes thrive in similar environments and pose health risks.

At Woody’s Exterminating, our team uses safe and effective products to target ticks while minimizing any impact on beneficial insects. We recommend a customized treatment plan based on your property’s layout and the surrounding environment to ensure optimal results. By combining tick spraying with other preventative measures, you can significantly reduce the risk of tick-borne diseases like Lyme disease and babesiosis.

Get a free tick & flea inspection

For professional tick control on Long Island contact Woody’s Exterminating today. We serve Long Island from Nassau to Suffolk County.

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